Historically Black College and Universities
Offering a rich legacy of academic excellence and cultural empowerment, HBCUs foster inclusive learning environments, producing distinguished leaders, while preserving cultural heritage and history.
Students of African descent are increasingly opting to attend historically Black colleges and universities rather than schools in the Ivy League. Students at HBCUs are exposed to a nurturing environment, which is uncommon at other educational establishments and frequently mirrors the students’ everyday lives at home, where the maxim “it takes a village” reigns supreme.

No real HBCU event is complete without the gift of giving! Our students need our encouragement and support. The HBCU Honors Foundation is proud to partner with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF). All HBCU Honors Scholarship proceeds will provide funding to deserving TMCF students.
How to Give
There are multiple ways to give easily:
- Text TMCF to 41444
- Go to tmcf.org/give at any time to make a gift
- Or simply scan the QR Code appearing below
Thank you for your donation that will help get students closer to realizing their dream of a quality HBCU education
Alabama A&M University |
Alabama State University |
Albany State University |
Alcorn State University | |
Allen University |
American Baptist College |
Arkansas at Pine Bluff, University of | |
Arkansas Baptist College |
Barber-Scotia College** |
Benedict College |
Bennett College |
Bethune-Cookman University |
Bishop State Community College |
Bluefield State College |
Bowie State University |
Carver College * |
Central State University |
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania |
Claflin University |
Clark Atlanta University |
Clinton College |
Coahoma Community College |
Concordia College, Alabama (closed 2018) |
Coppin State University |
Delaware State University |
Denmark Technical College |
Dillard University |
District of Columbia, University of the |
Edward Waters University |
Elizabeth City State University |
Fayetteville State University |
Fisk University |
Florida A&M University |
Florida Memorial University |
Fort Valley State University |
Gadsden State Community College (Valley Street campus) |
Grambling State University |
Hampton University |
Harris-Stowe State University |
Hinds Community College at Utica |
Hood Theological * |
Howard University |
Huston-Tillotson University |
Interdenominational Theological Center |
J. F. Drake State Technical College |
Jackson State University |
Jarvis Christian College |
Johnson C. Smith University |
Johnson C Smith Theological Seminary * |
Kentucky State University |
Knoxville College ** |
Lane College |
Langston University |
Lawson State Community College |
LeMoyne-Owen College |
Lewis College of Business (closed 2013) |
The Lincoln University |
Lincoln University |
Livingstone College |
Maryland Eastern Shore, University of |
Meharry Medical College |
Miles College |
Miles School of Law * |
Mississippi Valley State University |
Morehouse College |
Morehouse School of Medicine |
Morgan State University |
Morris Brown College |
Morris College |
Norfolk State University |
North Carolina A&T State University |
North Carolina Central University |
Oakwood University |
Paine College |
Paul Quinn College |
Payne Theological * |
Philander Smith College |
Prairie View A&M University |
Rust College |
Saint Paul’s College (closed 2013) |
Savannah State University |
Selma University |
Shaw University |
Shelton State Community College- C A Fredd Campus |
Shorter College |
Simmons College of Kentucky |
South Carolina State University |
Southern University at New Orleans |
Southern University at Shreveport |
Southern University and A&M College |
Southwestern Christian College |
Spelman College |
St. Augustine’s University |
St. Philip’s College |
Stillman College |
Talladega College |
Tennessee State University |
Texas College |
Texas Southern University |
Tougaloo College |
H. Councill Trenholm State Community College |
Tuskegee University |
Virgin Islands, University of the |
Virginia State University |
Virginia Union University |
Virginia University of Lynchburg |
Voorhees University |
West Virginia State University |
Wilberforce University |
Wiley College |
Winston-Salem State University |
Xavier University of Louisiana |